用他们自己的话说: 1924年秋阿德 on the Jackie Robinson Fellowship, 阀杆, and Planting a Legacy

她是生物学专业的, 在遗产花园做志愿者, 她还在校外从事社区工作. She also recognizes the importance of making sure others understand the work she’s doing.

by 约旦酸式焦磷酸钠 | 2023年11月6日

用他们自己的话说 is a series in which we introduce you to the Gaels you need to meet—students, 校友, 教师, 还有员工,让他们讲述自己的故事, 用他们自己的话来说. 

满足 秋天Adeyan她是圣玛丽高中的四年级学生,也是杰基罗宾逊奖学金获得者. 作为一名生物专业的学生, 秋对科学充满热情, 护肤品, 在阀杆领域代表黑人女性. 她做任何事都充满激情, whether she’s conducting experiments in lab class or planting seeds in the Legacy Garden.



我在高中最后一年,想申请奖学金, 因为我知道为了让我上大学, 我就得找人帮忙了. For the foundation, the questions were oriented around: Who was Jackie Robinson? 他真正为他的社区做了什么? 为什么他是杰出的? It’s important to understand how he has an identity that goes beyond being a baseball player: He really cared about the education of young Black Americans and people who didn't have great opportunities. 

One of the main essays that I wrote was about how I wanted to go into dermatology. 当我从海沃德搬到卡斯特罗谷时, I faced a lot of different pressures that made me feel not so connected to myself. I believed that becoming a dermatologist would help me help others instill some type of familiarity with themselves. 如果你对自己的外表感到不舒服, 或者你觉得你是谁和你的外表不一致, that can create a disconnect and hurt your overall sense of self-comfort. 不一定, 你必须美丽. No, it's just whatever you need to do to make yourself feel comfortable.

所以我申请了,然后等待. 然后在2020年3月爆发了大流行. 5月,我收到了一封电子邮件,说我将获得奖学金. At that moment, it kind of put into perspective how much work I had to do to get that scholarship. 你必须有很高的GPA,参加很多社区活动. They're looking for leaders who care about what they're doing and making a greater impact.

Adeyan (left) at the San Francisco Giant’s 2022 African American Heritage Day game. / 图片由秋天Adeyan提供


感谢JRF, I was able to obtain an internship with the San Francisco Giants last summer in their Community Relations department! Now, as an East Bay resident, I would have to say that the Oakland A’s are my favorite. 但是作为一名实习生, I worked to strengthen the relationships between the SF Giants and the Bay Area community. 另外, JRF celebrates each JRF scholar every year for Jackie Robinson Day at their nearest stadium, 所以他们每个人都会在大屏幕上被提及, 收到一件球衣, 还可以邀请家人一起来. 去年, 我被邀请去看旧金山巨人队的比赛, 今年, 我去看了奥克兰运动家队的比赛. 这是一次很酷的经历.

"I try to make my presence known and let people know that I am here to learn and I care about what I'm doing."


Saint Mary's was actually the first school that offered me admittance, and they gave me the 盖尔斯十大网赌平台奖. 这产生了很大的影响. I was also accepted to a college in Los Angeles but without financial aid. SMC离家更近,我想和父母待在一起. 随着2020年的大流行,我告诉自己, 你不知道未来几年事情会如何发展. 


You have to make sure you volunteer in the community, and you have to maintain a GPA over 2.6. 但是如果你得到一个2.然后开始往下走, 他们不只是取消奖学金, 他们开始和你开会,以确保你走上正轨. 所以这里有一个缓冲. 对此我非常感激. Because my first year here, over Zoom, I really struggled; it was a hard transition. My GPA did drop, and I had to take a semester off, but then I came back. 我还是会准时毕业的.

我们必须参加至少两个由JRF主办的活动, 哪些是由基金会的合作伙伴赞助的, 以及导师领导会议, 每年在纽约举行一次. The conference is meant to empower JRF scholars by introducing them to industries they are interested in, 将他们与其他十大网赌平台联系起来, 让他们对未来充满信心. We flew out to New York and stayed at a Marriott right on Times Square. We got to meet people at the foundation, alumni, and people who are prominent in their fields. 我见到了斯派克·李,很酷.

Fitting it all together: Adeyan at work in Professor Kitt-Hopper's fall 2022 cell biology course / Francis Tatem摄


我的一生都是以stem为导向的. I went to a lot of different 阀杆 camps in middle school and high school. 我在高中三年级的时候修了AP生物, 这是一门很难的课, but I liked that biology explained the sub-components of life—how it all fits together. 

When I'm in my current science courses at Saint Mary’s, I try to ask questions and really be present. 在我的班级里,黑人很少,至少黑人女性很少. I try to make my presence known and let people know that I am here to learn and I care about what I'm doing. Maybe I'm not thinking about it the same way this person's thinking about it, 但这是我的解释. 

大学毕业后,我仍然对皮肤病学很感兴趣. But on my path there, I want to give myself the chance to explore different careers. I would love to go into bioengineering; when I was working at the Legacy Garden, 我申请了一些生态实习. I’m also looking at internships in the biomedical field and engineering.


作为JRF十大网赌平台, we have to make sure we're involved with a school community or outside community in some way. 上学期,我在圣玛丽学校的遗产花园做志愿者. 我们重新种植了一些植物箱, 我们做了很多除草工作, 我们试图翻新花园的一些部分.

大二时我还参加了辩论队. Being a part of debate helped me realize how much I actually knew about the world and better understand my existence within it. I was also exposed to a lot of other people who possessed different knowledge than I had: the United States government, 国际法律, 在近距离上发生了不同的事情. 

Growing and being: Adeyan admiring the sweet peas and marigolds in the Legacy Garden / Francis Tatem摄


去年我被邀请在一个活动上做演讲, 2022年春天, 叫做黑色的表达, where I did a presentation about an affirmative argument I made for a debate tournament. 它是关于“任性的关怀”,灵感来自作家赛迪亚·哈特曼. 

Wayward Caring is about creating community with people around you and honoring your natural ways of expressing yourself. 当我们在辩论的时候, we're so often evaluating people off a Eurocentric metric based on what and who debate was originally created for. 辩论围绕三个方面展开: 本体,存在的方式; 认识论, ways of knowing; and 教育学教学方法. 这些概念影响着我们能够进行的对话类型, 结果就是, I don’t always experience respect for my own natural ways of being and knowing as a Black woman. 另一方面,“任性关怀”是关于创造一个空间 is 安全. It’s about connecting with other people who care about us and accept our unique ways of being. 

当我在活动上发言时,我感觉自己充满活力. 那天晚上激励了我,让我把我是谁灌输到我所做的每件事中. 



参加下一个黑色的表达活动 2024文化之夜展示:“超越我们的轮廓。.”

通过参加志愿者活动来学习 遗留的花园 今天.

对辩论感兴趣? 加入全国排名的圣玛丽大学 麦肯辩论和演讲队 

约旦酸式焦磷酸钠 is a 研究生 Editorial Fellow in the Office of Marketing and Communications. 给她写.